What’s it about Paris Bar at Strausberger Platz?
Just like the KaDeWe or the Ku’damm, Paris Bar represents the story of Berlin’s timeless West. Everything here revolves around itself. And it feels like it has been doing so for 100 years. In contrast to its “great” epoch during the GDR, the Strausberger Platz now stands for a faded utopia and the empty megalomania of the first and last communist state on German soil.
Only slowly city life is managing to set foot on the expansive pavements. On cold days, expect a frosty wind.
From the get-go, our showroom in the “Haus des Kindes” was envisioned as an alien object in these cold surroundings: minimalist concept art in the midst of socialist realism.
Christopher Williams, whom we opened the room with, purposely juxtaposed socialist and capitalist realism. Just below the window, with a clear view to the east (Frankfurter Tor to Moscow), he installed a comfortable living room with posters and editions. In front of our flimsy Franz West-couch, a TV played the Cooking show. A Swiss “Kochsendung”, that Christopher showed in real time. As an example, a pan of soup was in focus for as long as it took for the broth to heat up. The whole thing took 332 minutes and 17 seconds. And as we have come to expect of him, the complete show was hung precisely to a point. What a contrast to the pompous and hollow architecture outside.
And what a contradiction to Paris Bar with its unique air. Art, in every possible and impossible spot; where the last 50 or 60 years of moving history exudes from every crack. A history that has lived through constant ups and downs but that has, through its illustrious guests, stayed riveting to this day: a good mix of intellectuals, artists, beautiful people, and culture tourists. In addition, a few politicians here and there and Rolf Eden. Nearly anybody who thinks anything of themselves drops by regularly or at least, when in town, is seen at Michel’s.
How many times I’ve tried to identify the pictures and objects on the walls and ceilings preserved by cigarette smoke and cooking oil. But of course I never asked Michel what was from whom. That would have felt too much like accounting, although it really would have interested me.
Michel’s experiences with his artist friends or his stories about his third home on Syros were of course even more engrossing.
Michel is an Austrian dandy and a situationist, the exact opposite of me. He knows everybody and has done everything. Michel is Paris Bar – not the other way around. Some evidence: his home looks exactly like Paris Bar, in fact, it looks even better. Because stacks of drawings, photos, posters, and collages tower in every corner of the Paul-Lincke-Ufer (where else could Michel live?). Devotions from 50 years of the art world sit coated in dust in between whole batteries of frame-sewed shoes and tidily ironed and hung pink shirts. That is something that must be experienced I think.
One question especially has always occupied me: How would the works from the Paris Bar look in a “normal” exhibition, set apart from the gastronomic context? And how does Paris Bar look without the Petersburg drapes, how do the naked walls look? Could you show the dry concept art that I love so much there too? The idea of a switch-over was born. The fact that it turned into a charade lies in the nature of its actors.
Michel was on fire after a few short doubts concerning the feasibility. Of course, he immediately developed a concrete idea on what could be shown at the Strausberger Platz: in addition to everything important from Paris Bar and his apartment, 100 further drawings of his, mostly freshly created, were added as well as a joint piece with Christopher Steinmeyer. And our 17 Meter bench was to be plastered with pictures of our glorious times together – how wonderful!
Axel Haubrok
List of works Strausberger Platz
Raimund Abraham
Casa di Raimund, 2010
Raimund Abraham
Modell für ein Haus auf Syros, 1980
Raimund Abraham
Österreichisches Kulturinstitut, NY, year unknown
Carsten Anders
Portrait Michel Würthle, 2011
Antonio de Andrés-Gayón
untitled, 2011
Olivia Asafu
untitled, 1976
Ina Barfuss
untitled, 1986
Ina Barfuss
untitled, 1980
Ina Barfuss
Donald Duck and the queen, 1977
Georg Baselitz
untitled (mit Widmung für Michel), 1993
Peter Beard
Nor dread nor hope attend, 1972
Peter Beard
Cousin Jerome (Hill) B.B.@la batterie, 1958
Joseph Beuys
Botanischer Wahnsinn, 1976
Jack Bilbo
Der Charmanten Witwe der Paris Bar, 1960
Manuel Bonik
Brennende Kulisse, 2003
Manuel Bonik
Das Exil, 2000
Cosima von Bonin
Dandy dog, 2006
Cecily Brown
untitled, 2006
Günter Brus
Edvin Rachmaul, 1975
Günter Brus
Das Jahr der Schwalbe, 1975
Günter Brus
Schach, year unknown
Bernard Buffet
untitled, 1958
Werner Büttner
Und immer rascheln die Bakterien, 1992
Maurizio Cattelan
untitled, 2000
Peter Chevalier
Portrait Michel, 1991
Nicola Cipani
Sparo, 2001
Larry Clark
untitled, year unknown
Pia Dehne
Derain et moi, 2001
Christa Dichgans
Lüpertz als Pirat, 1999
Peter Doig
Capote, 2006
Jirí Georg Dokoupil & Martin Kippenberger
Schlüsselloch, 1986
Ingrid Egert
Gambling Navajos, 1980
Marcel Eichner
untitled, 2011
Plakat, 1960s
Hubert Fichte
Selbstportrait, 1970s
Dieter Fincke
Krokodil in Memoriam, 1991
Josef Fischnaller
Papst (M. Würthle), 2010
Samuel Fosso
Le pirate (Self portrait), 1997
Ingeborg Gabriel
untitled, 1990
Isa Genzken
untitled, 2004
Matthias Griebler
Kubin et la comédie de la mort, 2000
George Grosz
untitled (zum Sammelwerk “Ecce homo”), 1921
F. C. Gundlach
Portrait Romy Schneider, 1961
Al Hansen
Mickey Mouse, 1984
Valeria Heisenberg
untitled, 1991
Anatol Herzfeld
Martin Kippenberger und Albert Oehlen, 1991
Damien Hirst
I.O.U., 1999
Damien Hirst
Michel, I love you, 1994
Damien Hirst
untitled (Bill), 1994
Damien Hirst
untitled (Bill), 1994
Damien Hirst
Self-portrait, year unknown
Damien Hirst & Michel Würthle
Beau Brummell flees London – his last night at Watiers, 1998
Karl-Horst Hödicke
untitled, 1973
Anne Hoenig
Portrait André Malraux, 2006
Thomas Hornemann
Nach Delacroix, 2000
Axel Hütte
Portrait Meuser, 1986
Vassilis Kalantzis
Introducing the resistance to artistic enslavement, 2007
Vassilis Kalantzis
untitled, 2006
Benjamin Katz
Martin Kippenberger, 1991
Otto Kelmer
Trailer for the new version of “Die geheime Sammlung des Salvador Dalí”, 2012
Hubert Kiecol
2 Stelen für Syros, 1995
Martin Kippenberger
Selbstportrait (Das Floß der Medusa), 1996
Martin Kippenberger
Leberzirrhose, unvollendet, 1995
Martin Kippenberger
Was ist hier los mit daily filling, 1995
Martin Kippenberger
Momas Syros, 1993
Martin Kippenberger
untitled, 1991
Martin Kippenberger
untitled, 1989
Martin Kippenberger
Tramperschild Paris, year unknown
Jürgen Klauke
Die Psychologin, 1979
Robert Klemmer
Selbstportrait, 1964
Bernd Koberling
Lila, 1994
Kurt Kocherscheidt
untitled, year unknown
Michael Krebber
Elle, 1993
Maria Lassnig
untitled, 1979
Cheik Ledy
Mokolo ekoyela yo, y’oyeba!!, 1987
Robert Lucander
untitled, 2009
Sarah Lucas
Doll, 1999
Sarah Lucas
Self-portrait, 1990–1998
Christian Ludwig Attersee
Spatzenpflock, 1986
Ken Lum
Pete Norris could use a drink, 1983
Markus Lüpertz
untitled, 1980
Nikolai Makarov
Portrait M. Würthle, 2009
Piero Manzoni
Portrait Curzio Malaparte, 1939
Jonathan Meese
Kapitän Michelewü, 2007
Otto Muehl
Uniferkel 2, 1969
Vuza N’Toko
Les voies immorales du monde, 1991
Albert Oehlen
Sie hat nur einen, 1996
Albert Oehlen
Wann ist Schluss?, 1989
Haralampi G. Oroschakoff
Portrait Alfred Kubin, 2012
Haralampi G. Oroschakoff
Benjamin Katz und Michel Würthle – Les 2 magots artisti per nascita ámbidui, 2010
Haralampi G. Oroschakoff
Doppelkreuz, 2000
Haralampi G. Oroschakoff
Black war 1, 1999
Haralampi G. Oroschakoff
Black war 2, 1999
Haralampi G. Oroschakoff
Black war 3, 1999
Haralampi G. Oroschakoff
Black war 4, 1999
Haralampi G. Oroschakoff & Michel Würthle
Down and out in Charlottenburg, 2007
Robin Page
Paris Bar massacre, 1980
Maria Papadimitriou
Manga, 2000
Jorge Pardo
Lamp 030100, 2000
Raymond Pettibon
O.d. a hippie, legalize heroin, ban hippies (and New Yorkers), 1982
Walter Pichler
Brunnenskulptur, 1994
Walter Pichler
Kombinierte Waffe, 1970
Walter Pichler & Michel Würthle
Zwei schwarze Mäntel aus Tweed, 2009/2010
Nina Pohl
Con affectione, 1995
Sigmar Polke
untitled, 1988
Sigmar Polke
Zeughaus, 1976
Cornelius Quabeck
Jeff, 2005
Arnulf Rainer
Selten gehörte Musik, 1993
Arnulf Rainer & Dieter Roth
Milch her!, 1984
Arnulf Rainer & Dieter Roth
Menschen von oben, 1974
Man Ray
De Sade, 1938
Daniel Richter
Paris Bar, 2. Version, 2011
Daniel Richter & Michel Würthle
Windstärke 8 auf Delos, 2007
Karin Rocholl
Portrait Martin Wuttke, year unknown
Björn Roth & Dieter Roth
Detail of exile, 1980
Dieter Roth
Hommage an Michel Würthle, 1976
Dieter Roth
Arschlöcher, 1975
Gerhard Rühm
untitled, 1970
Gerhard Rühm
untitled, 1970
Adam Saks
Stranded, 2008
Chéri Samba
Le moustique chante, 1994
Chéri Samba & Michel Würthle
Le pinceau, 1991
Jörg Schlick
Deutschland, keiner hilft keinem, 1992
Jörg Schlick
untitled, 1991
Wilhelm Schürmann
Long dong silver, 1983
Norbert Schwontkowski
Art akademie, 2007
Norbert Schwontkowski
Capital tower, 1999
Elfie Semotan
Side by side (Martin Kippenberger und Michel Würthle, Kthma Canné, Syros), 1995
Elfie Semotan
Momas Syros, Eröffnung mit Martin Kippenberger und Hubert Kiecol, 1992
Elfie Semotan
Tür der Winde, 1992
Dirk Skreber
My private pesci, 1999
Dash Snow
untitled, 2003
Dash Snow
untitled, 2002
Andrea Stappert
L.G. Wilkinson, 2007
Andrea Stappert
Markus Lüpertz, 2006
Andrea Stappert
Raymond Pettibon und Daniel Richter vor der Paris Bar, 2005
Andrea Stappert
Guernica (Seville), 1988
Andrea Stappert
Martin Kippenberger, Sevilla, 1988
Christopher Steinmeyer
Entwurf für Ölgemälde “Regan”, 2011
Christopher Steinmeyer
untitled (Metrostation auf Syros), 2011
Christopher Steinmeyer
Martin Kippenberger, Knokke, 1995
Christopher Steinmeyer & Michel Würthle
Progrès, 2012
Anne Stephan
Al Hansen mit Sphinx, 1984
Ulrich Strothjohann
Löcher dieser Welt, 1984
Tal R
The bird, 2008
Jürgen Teller
Portrait Yves Saint Laurent, 2000
André Thomkins
Portrait Spoerri und Selbstportrait, 1970
Claude Tolmer
Treppe in Paris, 1993
Elfie Tripamer
Carolina und Caterina Würthle, Anna Pichler, 1993
Elfie Tripamer
Caterina Würthle, Walter Pichler und Peter Fitz, 1993
Elfie Tripamer
Walter Pichler und Michel Würthle, 1992
Hans Weigand
Silver surfer, 2012
Hans Weigand
Garten der Lüste, 2007
Hans Weigand & Michel Würthle
Begräbniszeremonie W. P., 2012
Caroline Weihrauch
Guy Debord, 2011
Franz West
Kraavik Waande, 1997
Adam Wiener
Häutchenbild, 1996
Ingrid Wiener
Dr. Müllers Kabelfrühling, 2012
Ingrid Wiener
Traumzeichnungen, 2000–2005
Oswald Wiener
Syros, 1990
Oswald Wiener
untitled (Gemeinschaftsarbeit mit Rühm, Brus, Attersee, Steiger), 1975
Christopher Williams
Kiev MC Arsat PCS 4.5/55 mm shift lens
Focal length: 55 mm
Aperture scale: 4.5–22
Focusing scale: 0.3 m (0.98 ft) to infinity
Minimum focusing distance: 1.2 ft (0.5 m)
Field of view: 69 degrees (with shift), 84 degrees (without shift)
Number of elements: Nine elements in seven groups
Filter size: 72 mm
Weight: 2 lbs
Serial number: 0051
Photography by the Douglas M. Parker Studio, Glendale, California
January 27, 2007, 2007
Emmett Williams
Selbstportrait II, 1983
Johannes Wohnseifer
No more micropenis, 2007
Christopher Wool
untitled (Dog), year unknown
Carolina Würthle
untitled (Fee), 1996
Caterina Würthle
Dalí mit Ziege, 2001
Caterina Würthle
Dubliners, 1997
Caterina Würthle
My husband and I (mit Bruno Brunnet in der Paris Bar), 1996
Friedrich Würthle
Ansichten der Stadt Salzburg, 1886
Michel Würthle
Alcibiades, 2012
Michel Würthle
Café Greco, Syros, 2012
Michel Würthle
Café Hawelka, Wien (1960) – meine erste Begegnung mit W. Pichler, 2012
Michel Würthle
Charade/Rochade, 2012
Michel Würthle
Der österreichische Patient, 2012
Michel Würthle
Eskimo Institut Kopenhagen, 2012
Michel Würthle
Genealogie M. W., 2012
Michel Würthle
Hans Kurz aka M. K. als Modeschöpfer in Kinshasa, 2012
Michel Würthle
Konrad Bayer als Spuck-Zenmeister, 2012
Michel Würthle
Konrad Bayer: Pudeltanz, 2012
Michel Würthle
Les plongeurs du Paris Bar, 2012
Michel Würthle
Martin au Congo, 2012
Michel Würthle
Michel als Ernst Jünger, 2012
Michel Würthle
M. K.: Museumsdirektor, 2012
Michel Würthle
M. K.: Museumsdirektor, 2012
Michel Würthle
Personenskizze zu “Le progrès”, 2012
Michel Würthle
Plakat für die Ausstellung bei Nyehaus, N.Y. – überarbeitet für Charade, 2012
Michel Würthle
Portrait M. K., 2012
Michel Würthle
Progrès, 2012
Michel Würthle
Rêve de Eze, 2012
Michel Würthle
Sapeurs autrichiens, 2012
Michel Würthle
Sucre, 2012
Michel Würthle
Wasserball Spandau, 2012
Michel Würthle
W. P. als Greis von 120 Jahren (Pichler-Block), 2012
Michel Würthle
W. P. wie ich ihn sah (Pichler-Block), 2012
Michel Würthle
Accatone Würthle, 2011
Michel Würthle
Arkadien…, 2011
Michel Würthle
Carnevale in Galera, 2011
Michel Würthle
Et dieu… créa Gunter Sachs, 2011
Michel Würthle
Heavy Burschi Guy Debord, 2011
Michel Würthle
La désinvolture de Sachs, 2011
Michel Würthle
Laudatio, 2011
Michel Würthle
Le boudin de G. Sachs, 2011
Michel Würthle
Paris Bar (rosa-rot), 2011
Michel Würthle
Portatori di documenti falsi, 2011
Michel Würthle
Portrait Andrea Stappert, 2011
Michel Würthle
Rausch in der Paris Bar, 2011
Michel Würthle
Rittmeister, 2011
Michel Würthle
Telegramm an M. K., 2011
Michel Würthle
The men with the golden foot, 2011
Michel Würthle
Weinkritiker in der Paris Bar, 2011
Michel Würthle
Aux grands sapeurs, 2010
Michel Würthle
Ein Sonntag im Sommer, 2010
Michel Würthle
Fair vanity, 2010
Michel Würthle
It muli, 2010
Michel Würthle
Knirschender Kies, 2010
Michel Würthle
Paris Bar mit Jesus, 2010
Michel Würthle
Port of Hydra, 2010
Michel Würthle
Portrait Elfie Semotan, 2010
Michel Würthle
Portrait Ingrid und Oswald Wiener, 2010
Michel Würthle
Portrait Julian Schnabel, 2010
Michel Würthle
Portrait M. Cattelan, 2010
Michel Würthle
Portrait Oswald und Ingrid Wiener, 2010
Michel Würthle
Sichtbar gemachtes comité invisible, 2010
Michel Würthle
Skizze zu den 2 schwarzen Mänteln (Pichler-Block), 2010
Michel Würthle
Teller Ohrfeigen, 2010
Michel Würthle
Tintin au Paris Bar, 2010
Michel Würthle
untitled, 2010
Michel Würthle
Heiner Müller, 2009
Michel Würthle
Der Mantel (Pichler-Block), 2008
Michel Würthle
Kränkung (Pichler-Block), 2008
Michel Würthle
Kunstfälscher aus Düsseldorf, 2008
Michel Würthle
Skizze zu den 2 schwarzen Mänteln (Pichler-Block), 2008
Michel Würthle
St. Martin, 2008
Michel Würthle
…es bleibt sein Mantel (Pichler-Block), 2008
Michel Würthle
Lieba Missel, 2007
Michel Würthle
M. W. Gedicht: Sad man in gay N.Y., 2007
Michel Würthle
Physiognomie, 2007
Michel Würthle
Portrait Daniel Richter, 2007
Michel Würthle
Ziegelwand, 2007
Michel Würthle
Martin Kippenberger, Taverne auf Syros, 2005
Michel Würthle
O’Gott, 2005
Michel Würthle
untitled, 2005
Michel Würthle
untitled, 2005
Michel Würthle
Austria, 1999
Michel Würthle
Austrian dentists in Burkina F., 1999
Michel Würthle
Für Havanna Müller, 1996
Michel Würthle
Kthma Canné, 1996
Michel Würthle
Portrait Kurt Kocherscheidt, 1996
Michel Würthle
Appetiti, 1995
Michel Würthle
B&B erotische Zeichnungen, 1995
Michel Würthle
Kthma Canné, 1995
Michel Würthle
Mi hermano Kippenberger, 1995
Michel Würthle
Nehmen und Geben, Albert!, 1995
Michel Würthle
Portrait Robert Musil, 1995
Michel Würthle
Samen in Beton, 1995
Michel Würthle
untitled, 1995
Michel Würthle
An einem grauen Novembermorgen, 1993
Michel Würthle
Die Sonne hat uns blöd gestochen (Pichler-Block), 1993
Michel Würthle
Mau-Mau, Michel vs. Martin, 1993
Michel Würthle
Morgen sprengen, 1993
Michel Würthle
Pornografie, 1988
Michel Würthle
Marzahn, 1983
Guiseppe Zevola
Toto, 2005
unknown artist
Jörg Immendorff, 1993
unknown artist
Zpusob Melancholicky, 1930
List of works Paris Bar
Christopher Williams
Supplement 08 (Kunsthalle Zürich), 2008
Christopher Williams
untitled (study in yellow, Berlin)
Dirk Schaper Studio, Berlin, June 21st, 2007 (No. 1), 2008
Christopher Williams
One of 406 ceiling panels (23 3/4 × 23 3/4 inches each)
Covered on the back with striped paper (green and white)
Each stripe 8.7 cm
From “Frost and Defrost: A work in situ by Daniel Buren”
Otis Art Institute Gallery, 2401 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California
January 28 – March 4, 1979
Al Glicksman, Gallery Director; Christopher D’Arcangelo, Assistant to Daniel Buren
Photography by the Douglas M. Parker Studio, Glendale, California
May 4, 2006, 2006
Christopher Williams
Afri-Cola (Ashtray)
Manufacturer: E. & A. Bückling, 6956 Neudenau, Germany
Date of production: 1980–89
Photography by the Douglas M. Parker Studio, Glendale, California
November 26, 2005, 2005
Christopher Williams
Brochure for Dacia 1300i
Dacia 1300: Licensed model of the Renault 12
289 cm3, 39.7 kw, 142 km/h max speed
First presented simultaneously at the Expozitia Realizarilor Economiei Nationale, Bukarest, and at the Mondial de l’Automobile, Paris (as Renault 12) in 1969
Produced 1969 – July 21, 2004, at Uzina de Autoturisme, Pitesti, Romania
Spare parts being produced until 2014 in Mioveni, Romania (on July 2, 1999, Renault bought 51% of Dacia)
Photography by the Douglas M. Parker Studio, Glendale, California
August 5, 2005, 2005
Christopher Williams
Kiev MC Arsat (Zodiak-8) 30 mm f3.5, 1:3.5
Product aperture: f/3.5
Serial number: 870701
Medium format camera lens
Photography by the Douglas M. Parker Studio, Glendale, California
August 4, 2005, 2005
Christopher Williams
Nikkor w 300 mm f/5.6 with no. 3 shutter 1:5.6
Product aperture: f/64
Product number: 1320NAS
Serial number: 780612
Large format camera lens
Photography by the Douglas M. Parker Studio, Glendale, California
August 2, 2005, 2005
Christopher Williams
Kodak three-point reflection guide, 1968 (Meiko smiling), 2005
Christopher Williams
Lodz, October 2, 2004, 2004
Christopher Williams
Kiev 88, 4.6 lbs. (2.1 kg)
Manufacturer: Zavod Arsenal Factory, Kiev, Ukraine
Date of production: 1983–87
Photography by the Douglas M. Parker Studio, Glendale, California
March 28, 2003, 2003