Works by various artists dealing with dimensions and measurements were brought together for an exhibition in the former Teilelager of FAHRBEREITSCHAFT. The exhibition title alludes to a piece by Jonathan Monk, who rode his bicycle to the post office for us each month for a year while filming with an attached 8 mm camera. He had Kodak send the film created directly to us after it had been developed. This work is, however, only cited in the related exhibition by Jonathan Monk locking his bicycle at various places in public space, accompanied by a poster that he had designed. The exhibition includes works by artists from the generation of Stanley Brouwn like Michael Asher, Morgan Fisher, On Kawara, and Ian Wilson. Also shown are works by younger artists like Martin Creed, Stephen Prina, Karin Sander, Santiago Sierra, Andreas Slominski, and Haegue Yang – all dealing with measurements and standards.
Axel Haubrok
List of works
Michael Asher
Ein Beitrag für Outlook (Neuenkirchen), 2003
Martin Creed
Work no. 218: A sheet of paper crumpled into a ball (US letter), 1999
Martin Creed
Work no. 88: A sheet of paper crumpled into a ball (DIN A4), 1995
Morgan Fisher
Edge and corner paintings, 2005
Morgan Fisher
The aspect ratio pieces: European Standard Widescreen 1.66:1, 2004
On Kawara
I met I read I went journal 1969, 1992
Jonathan Monk
My arms are connected to my legs, 2009
Jonathan Monk
A ten-year project: 4 Sol LeWitts, 3 Ed Ruschas, 2 Lawrence Weiners and a Robert Barry, 2007
Jonathan Monk
22 portraits of Axel Haubrok, 2006
Jonathan Monk
My heights in HB pencil, 2002
Stephen Prina
Exquisite corpse: The complete paintings of Manet 212 of 556:
“Marguerite de Conflans aux cheveux défaits” (Marguerite de Conflans with her hair loose) 1873 private collection, New York, formerly in Havemeyer Collection, New York, 2012
Stephen Prina
Exquisite corpse: The complete paintings of Manet 213 of 556:
“Intérieur (Jeune femme dans un intérieur)” (Indoor scene (Indoor scene with young woman)) 1873 formerly in Stockholm, private collection, 2012
Stephen Prina
Exquisite corpse: The complete paintings of Manet 222 of 556:
“Dames aux éventails” (Woman with fans) 1874 jeu de paume, Louvre, Paris, 2012
Stephen Prina
Monochrome painting: A posteriori prototype: average size, 1994
Stephen Prina
A structural analysis and reconstruction of Arnold Schoenberg:
The complete music for solo piano, Glenn Gould, as determined by the difference between the measurements of duration and displacement, 1980
Karin Sander
Barbara & Axel Haubrok, 1:7, 2009/2010
Karin Sander
Konstantin Haubrok, 1:7, 2009/2010
Karin Sander
Tapetenstück, 1995
Andreas Slominski
Die Erde, zur gleichen Zeit halb so klein und doppelt so groß, 2005/2014
Andreas Slominski
Zollstock (der Zollstock aufgeklappt verschickt), 1999
Santiago Sierra
40 m3 of earth from Iberian Peninsula, 2013
Ian Wilson
Circle on the floor, 1968
Haegue Yang
Whatever being DIN A4, 2006